Home Home Improvement The great spray: 3 do’s for the ultimate shower remodel

The great spray: 3 do’s for the ultimate shower remodel

6 min read
shower remodel

The shower is the one of those home amenities that has to get the job done. We know this because whenever someone’s shower is not working properly you have to hear all about it.

It’s not hot enough, it has no pressure and it’s full of grout are just some of the complaints we hear about the home ducha, and if you’ve recently experienced one of them in your bathroom then it is likely you too will be looking into a remodel.

But just like any remodel, there are a few pieces of advice you should follow to ensure that you get it exactly how you want it.

Important considerations like maintenance, getting the plumbing right and finding the best frameless shower screen price are imperative to getting the remodel right, so let’s take a look at these vital considerations below to ensure that you get the optimal flow:

  1. Think about how much maintenance you can handle

Nobody wants to spend their Saturdays scrubbing maniacally at bathroom grout, and this so happens to be the spot in the home where it builds up in the most unpleasant of ways.

Obviously, if you can avoid this frustrating scenario, you surely would, right? Well, thankfully you can, as there are now grout free bathroom panels that will all-but-ensure your days of endless weekend scrubbing are done and dusted.

What’s more, you don’t want to skip out on top quality products when undergoing your remodel, as absolutely any cheap bathroom installation is that price for a reason – it will only cause serious irritation a few months down the track.

  1. Ask your contractor who will be conducting the remodel

There is obviously a great difference in standard between an experienced contractor and his team of apprentices. Unfortunately, those two fresh-eyed youngsters who come to complete your remodel likely don’t have the skills or experience to ensure that the job goes off with a hitch. This may work for the contractor, who will be more than happy to put his youngster team on the job whilst he goes on with a different contract, but it doesn’t do you any favours, especially if the apprentices are really just learning the ropes (or pipes, or panels etc.).

And, as much as we’re all for the apprentices learning their craft in the deep end – that is to say without the ongoing guidance of their boss – this is really a situation you should if at all possible. We’re not trying to be harsh, it’s just the way it is, as you don’t want to get stuck with an inexperienced team who will install shoddy wall fittings that could endanger your family.

So, be sure to ask who your contractor will be, specifically inquiring whether or not it will be the boss you originally spoke with.

  1. Try and amplify the space

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make with their bathrooms is forgetting to amplify the space and give the bathroom an illusion of more space. By installing shower curtains or framed screens, you will be doing nothing more than making the space look clunky and uncomfortable.

So, try to find the best frameless shower screen price and install it – this will do wonders for ensuring your space is calm, comfortable and welcoming – the kind of space you will be happy to get ready for a big occasion!

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