Home Lifestyle Newborn Party Planning Checklist: Everything You Need to Know

Newborn Party Planning Checklist: Everything You Need to Know

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Newborn Party Planning Checklist

Bringing A New Baby Into the World

Being a parent is one of the most important things anybody can do, but there’s this to consider: you can’t prepare. It doesn’t matter how much advice you get, how much you study, or anything like that. Until it’s three in the morning and you’re dealing with an infant who has diarrhea while you’ve got a work deadline, you don’t know.

It’s something that makes you a stronger, better human being. But it’s also something that’s very hard, and that can only be learned by experiencing it. You’re basically jumping into a cold body of water, but you’re going to acclimate soon, and then you’ll have fun swimming.

That being said, there are always ups and downs, and we’re going to focus on one of the “ups” here: planning a party for your newborn. Here we’ll explore a few things you want to think about.

Have the Party in the Afternoon

One of the most important things you’ll want to think about when it comes to a party for a baby is the time it takes place. You want that baby to stay on whatever sleep schedule you’ve managed to attain. You don’t want to mess things up because of a social event. To that end, late morning and early afternoon parties tend to be best.

For the Most Part, Family Are Desired Guests

When you’re inviting guests, it’s generally a good idea to lean into family over friends. They’ll want to come anyway, and you can be “yourself” with them. Alternatively, invite friends and other parents that are like family. Other parents are good guests to invite, because you’re going to likely end up having social interactions with them for a variety of reasons.

For example, they might babysit for you, you might babysit for them, and vice versa. Accordingly, you want to invite people that are close to you. This is a party for your baby, but when you really think about it, it’s just as much a party for you and your spouse; so have fun, make a morning or an afternoon out of it, and invite the right people.

Baby Will Have Trouble Unwrapping, Buy Parenting Tools

You don’t have to get any gifts, obviously, and you don’t have to have a cake; but you’re going to want both, so maybe get, say, baby clothes, baby booties, baby toys, bottles, breast pumps, and the like. Then wrap them and let the baby have fun playing with the paper. If they’re about a year old, they’ll like the wrapping more than he gifts anyway.


Planning Baby’s First Birthday Party

Get presents that are really parental tools for a newborn. Be sure you invite the right people to the party. Finally, be sure to have the party at the right time. Early afternoon or late morning tends to be best; whatever matches the sleep schedule of your baby. Hopefully, these tips help you have an excellent birthday celebration for your little one.

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