Home Pet Galaxy Koi Betta Fish: Overview & Care Guide

Galaxy Koi Betta Fish: Overview & Care Guide

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Galaxy Koi Betta Fish

The recent aquarium market provides numerous species of water pets, including galaxy koi betta. Do you know why this species is called the galaxy koi betta? Just because of their changes in patterns and colors over time. They have beautiful vibrant colors that make a galaxy over their body. We have an interesting chemistry behind their changing colors. This happens because of the “jumping gene” Transposons. They indicate the DNA sequences along with the genome. And they moved with the genome, that mobility expresses the marble betta, and koi Betta fish expresses the color changes.  

The galaxy koi betta is widely famous among fish lovers due to their fancy fins and numerous color orientation. They become combative spirits when the owners want to see a beautiful coloring fight. That’s why sometimes they are called fighting fish. They are the top species in the large aquarium world; this highest popularity is just because of their moderate care needs and glamorous appearance. Most of us want to buy fighting fish as home pets, but it would be good to understand their feeding patterns, breeding sessions, and behavior. We tried to put everything in this little information, from Betta’s vibrant colors to the care guide and recommendations. 

Certain Considerable Varieties of Galaxy Koi Betta

  • Black Galaxy Koi Betta: black Betta is popular just because of their red and blue shade patches over the body and fins.
  • Nemo Galaxy Koi Betta: this species has about 4 to 5 color combinations. They are mostly called multicolor Betta species. 
  • Giant Galaxy Koi Betta: giant Betta fish are up to 4 inches tall. They have a beautiful vibrant metallic color appearance on the body. 
  • Yellow Galaxy Koi Betta: this species has basic yellow color all over the body and a mixture of yellow and black spots on the stomach and fins.

How Long Galaxy Koi Betta Live?

Galaxy Koi Betta is a rare species that may live up to five years in a wild habitat. But, as we are habitually decorating our homes with this beautiful creature, they can only spend up to 1 to 2 years. They need a healthy environment to live a long life. But, unfortunately, we are unable to provide a good maintenance and constant nutritious diet. Some of us know how to maintain natural habitats in aquariums, and organizations also care about their health. If we provide proper health care and attention, they can live up to 8 to 10 years, which is very rare. 

Exclusive Care Guide


They have a natural habitat in ponds, lakes, and small streams. They are mostly found in Thailand, the country has warm temperatures. Due to the regular rainfall, water is also available in high quality. To maintain the aquarium environment according to the habitat, you should check the water conditions, such as nitrites level, ammonia, and water pH, from time to time. It is also essential to change the aquarium water twice a month and make sure it may always clean. You can also add plants to aquariums. It would be helpful to hide and provide natural habitat. 

Nutrition and Feeding

Galaxy koi Betta fish love to live in their natural habitat, where they hunt little insects and insect larvae. Because of their hunting qualities, they have upturned mouths. They are carnivores and can digest meaty food. So, if you offer insect larvae frozen food (pellets), flakes, and supplements, they would like to eat. It would be best if you were careful about their feeding times. Normally, young Betta fish are fed three times a day, but a mature one will feed only two times a day. One important thing is that you should feed them at a moderate level. Betta fish stomach stretches naturally, but eating too much-frozen food can be dangerous for their stomach. So, be careful while you are feeding them. Remember that female Bettas carry eggs in their stomachs.

Galaxy Koi Betta Breeding

Do you know an interesting fact about koi Betta breeding? Well, each koi Betta is bred into a 10-gallon tank. The breeding period decreases with age, so the ideal Betta for breeding should be about one year. Before breeding, make a pair. You should maintain a water temperature of about 27°C and a pH of 7. Ensure you provide a proper hiding spot when the male Betta produces a bubble nest and during the courtship; otherwise, the male Betta will be aggressive. 

Behavior and Temperament

Thailand organizations use galaxy koi betta in combative sports because of their anguish temperament in their surroundings. Some fish lovers say koi bettas are mysterious and difficult to manage in an aquarium. When koi bettas are alone in the tank, they flare bright colors to express that the water temperature is hot. This temperament normally consumes a lot of oxygen and energy. As they are habitants of paddy rice fields, these tropical zones have high temperatures, which normally reduce the water’s oxygen level. In that case, they take help from labyrinths for survival. 


The Galaxy Koi Betta is difficult to manage in a tank. So, it is suggested that newbies or first-time keepers should refrain from buying koi Betta fish as they create complexities. But, if you are an expert at handling their habitat, keeping them at home as a pet, would be more enjoyable. There would be no best example of ornamental aquatic animals other than koi Betta. They have a unique combination of amazing colors, so they would be a better choice as a pet and attract more fish lovers. Although they need attention and time to care, you should meet their required parameters. You can also take guidelines from experts.

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