Home Lifestyle An Inside Look Into The 1776 Continental Dollar Coin

An Inside Look Into The 1776 Continental Dollar Coin

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1776 Continental Dollar Coin

It is a habitual certainty that frequently repeated theories tend to gain momentum over time and often turn into common credit points. Continental dollar coins minted during the colonial period are a perfect example. Unfortunately, there is less knowledge about these coins.

The Continental dollar coin was the first patterned coin to appear on the US market. The model of this coin is unique and has attracted much numismatics. Here is an inside look into the 1776 continental dollar coin.

A Deep Insight Into The 1776 Continental Dollar 

  1. No Documentation Supporting The Approval Of The Coin 

One of the most surprising facts about the 1776 continental currency is the lack of documentation supporting its adoption. There is not a single document that proves this mint concession. The lack of documentation makes it difficult to ascertain whether the US government has approved the use of this coin.

  1. The Word Currency Is Misspelled

Looking at the front of the 1776 continental currency, you’ll notice that the word “currency” is miswritten. Many theories try to explain this phenomenon. Most numismatics say such errors occurred because the design and minting were done hastily. The question is, why did they rush to produce America’s first patterned coin?

  1. Continental Dollar Element

After the American Revolutionary War flinched, the United States began minting its currency. Collectors estimate 6,000 continental coins were stamped, with production likely to happen in New York.

The primary material of these coins is pewter. Pewter is a soft metal alloy of copper, tin, antimony, bismuth, and silver.

According to experts, only 100 pieces of this rare coin are left. The rarity of this coin is not due to its age. Some believe that these coins were blended with other resources during the war.

  1. Relationship With Benjamin Franklin

Another interesting fact about his 1776 continental currency that many collectors treasure is his relationship with Benjamin Franklin. This man is liable for designing both sides of the coin.

  1. Icons Of The 1776 Continental Currency

One side of the coin depicts the sun shining on a sundial. On the same side is the symbol “Fugio” which in Latin means “I flee.” Under the sundial, it says, “mind your business.” These words express the complete message that time is passing.

  1. The 13 Chainlinks

On the reverse side of the coin, 13 chain links can be seen, symbolizing the 13 original colonies of America. This necklace portrait was a symbol that promoted solidarity among American citizens.

The minting of the 1776 continental currency occurred when every citizen had to contribute something to the country’s economy. Everyone understood how important hard work was to achieve great things.

  1. The Roughness Of The 1776 Continental Currency

Another interesting fact about this colonial coin is its roughness. This roughness was the secret to differentiating US cash from British counterfeits.


The continental currency of 1776 is difficult to find because some varieties are made of silver or brass instead of pewter. However, collectors say only four silver versions and fifteen brass versions exist. You must consider the above facts to differentiate the correct 1776 continental currency from the other models.

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