Home Business Top Companies of Calculator Manufacturers

Top Companies of Calculator Manufacturers

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As the number one manufacturer of calculators, Texas Instruments is also a global brand. With advanced manufacturing facilities located in mainland China and a HQ in Hong Kong, this company has a reputation for supplying the most advanced products. With over 3 million electronic calculators/organizers and not less than 200 engineers, the BA-II Plus is a versatile product ideal for both business and professional use. This high-quality calculator is also designed to meet the specialized needs of different sectors, including healthcare, education, and military.

Casio was established in 1957 and has a strong presence in Latin America. The Texas Instruments Corporation and its subsidiary, Corvus Corporation, manufactures and sells the Voyage 200. Craig Electronics of Compton, California was a major distributor of consumer electronics, selling calculators under the Craig brand. In the late 1960s, the company partnered with Intel and Mostek to manufacture its own brand of calculators.

The Inventa Electronics Corporation was originally called General Digital Corporation. Alvin B. Phillips, a semiconductor engineer and entrepreneur, established the company in Taipei in 1975. He had previous experience working in Motorola’s IC facilities and eventually built the world’s largest calculator chip company. In the early seventies, the Aristo company expanded its operations into the hand-held calculator market, launching the Reactor.

In the late sixties, a Taiwanese company named Texet teamed up with New Specialties, Inc. to produce a specialized computer. In the late eighties, the Texet Corporation, a Japanese company, became the world’s largest office supply retailer. In 1998, Office Depot released a pink and teal TI-30X IIS models. The third largest US office supply retailer, Office Max, began operations in Thailand and expanded to more than one location.

In the United States, the first calculators were manufactured by the two major manufacturers, Sharp and Casio. The company also developed the TI-line of LCD calculators. During the 1960s, the electric calculator industry was dominated by three companies. The Japanese-based company Tokyo Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., was the biggest competitor in the electric calculator market. In Europe, however, it was only surpassed by a Japanese company, and the competition between the two companies was intense.

In the US, the largest companies of calculators are the Tandy corporation and the Olivetti company. In addition to a huge range of calculators, both manufacturers produced interesting gadgets. The company that was once known as “General Digital Corporation” was founded by Alvin B. Phillips. After a few years, Western Digital became the leading manufacturer of calculator chips. Founded in 1962, Phillips had worked at Motorola, Intel, and he incorporated the company.

HP is another company that makes calculators. They are ranked #58 on the Fortune 500 list of 2020. Toshiba is also a well-known maker of budget-friendly pocket calculators. TI’s BA-II Plus Professional is one of the best-selling models and has numerous other advantages. It can be used for research and development, as well as to calculate mortgage rates, loan amounts, leases, and savings.

After Busicom failed in the 1970s, Casio began manufacturing calculators. In 1974, it partnered with Commodore/cbm, which had a foothold in the office equipment market. In 1972, Cal-Comp Electronics, Inc. expanded into contract manufacturing. In 1989, the company established its second factory in Thailand, which mainly supplied laptops, computers, and other electronics. Its partners included Texas Instruments, and Canon.

In the United States, several companies are involved in the production of calculators. In Taiwan, Lloyd’s was the leading company in the manufacture of stereo equipment. It also marketed electronic calculators. In Canada, the major company of calculators is Rapid Data Systems & Equipment Ltd. The Canadian company produces portable electronic calculators. Meanwhile, HEMA is a major manufacturer of mechanical-based hand-helds. The company has a long history in the calculator industry and is still a leading global player in the field.

In the United States, the most popular calculators are those that can perform complex calculations. The most popular models today are TXI-prefixed. Those that are TXI-branded are more expensive. While these companies are among the largest calculator manufacturers, there are many others in the world. A company’s popularity may depend on how they’re priced, which is why they can be so competitive. The top companies of calculators will often offer special offers or other discounts.

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