Home CBD Is CBD Safe To Use While Pregnancy?

Is CBD Safe To Use While Pregnancy?

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Is CBD Safe To Use While Pregnancy

Perhaps you’ve been thinking about CBD if searching for a natural remedy for pregnancy-related issues like morning sickness, a sore lower back, or even anxiety. Many commonly used drugs are no longer safe once you’re pregnant. This includes treatments for common pregnancy complaints like morning sickness and back pain.

No matter how lovely it seems, this chemical should not be used by pregnant women. While there isn’t enough data to pinpoint exactly what could go wrong, there are a few issues that should be considered. Furthermore, until further information is available, it is prudent to refrain from using CBD during pregnancy out of caution.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical found in marijuana. CBD can be applied topically, consumed as gum or sublingual drops, or taken orally in the form of gel capsules. CBD effectively treats various medical conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and even nausea and vomiting.

CBD is one of the most well-known cannabinoids; however, unlike Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it does not cause intoxication. Many people like CBD since it offers all the medical benefits of cannabis without the psychoactive high. Since CBD has federal legal status, it is widely available across the United States. In any case, CBD won’t get you high.

Is CBD safe for women during pregnancy?

Using Cannabidiol (CBD) oils, lotions, creams, or other topical medications to treat pregnancy-related conditions like irritability, anxiety, and muscle pain has intrigued several expectant mothers. According to these women, applying CBD topically to your skin instead of eating it will prevent it from entering your bloodstream. A healthcare system study that tests all pregnant women for prenatal marijuana use found that between 2009 and 2016, the number of pregnant women consuming cannabis in California nearly doubled.

There is still little information available on CBD use during pregnancy. There isn’t enough research to say if CBD use during pregnancy is safe or not. How it affects your body, and the growing foetus has not been demonstrated. There hasn’t been extensive research on what happens years after consuming CBD during pregnancy. Therefore, it is advised to avoid using CBD to treat your diseases.

The advice against using marijuana or any of its derivatives, including medicinal marijuana, by pregnant women or trying to get pregnant. THC, CBD’s cousin, may hamper a baby’s brain development and function, and it has also been related to stillbirth, reduced birthweight, and other undesirable effects. Even these medications’ lowest doses are not considered safe during pregnancy.

Indeed, CBD is not THC. It has modest side effects like fatigue and diarrhoea and is significantly safer. Its specific mechanism is still a mystery. You don’t want to mess with your hormones while you’re pregnant since it might even affect them. Additionally, the CBD market is young and relatively controlled. Even products touted as pure CBD may contain pesticides, harmful metals, or microorganisms you don’t want to be near your unborn child.

If you are concerned about using CBD while pregnant, speak with your healthcare professional.

Safety Precautions

Consuming CBD is not recommended for women who are expecting a child. There are a few potential threats that you ought to be aware of.

Potential Risk of Miscarriage

According to research conducted on animals, CBD sweets consumption has been linked to an increased risk of spontaneous abortion. Although it’s possible that the results of research done on animals won’t necessarily apply to people, it’s always better to choose the side of caution. If you are actively attempting to conceive a child, you should probably stop using CBD as a precaution.

Potential Reproductive Harm

Consumption of CBD during pregnancy was linked in a second animal study to lower levels of sperm production in the offspring of male animals. Therefore, if you have a male child, there is a possibility that his ability to have children in the future will be affected. To reiterate, the findings obtained from animal studies do not always apply to those conducted on people. Nevertheless, it is prudent to avoid taking any dangers.

Worsening of Pregnancy-Related Side Effects

The fact that CBD has almost no negative side effects contributes to its widespread popularity. On the other hand, some individuals who use CBD report experiencing feelings of weariness as well as diarrhoea. These side effects might have an adverse influence on your pregnancy. Although no one wants to feel wearier than pregnancy, diarrhoea can cause dehydration, a risk factor for pregnant women. Nobody wants to feel more exhausted than pregnancy already does.

What should you know about cannabis and its products?

You should know the following before consuming cannabis or any products containing THC or CBD:

  • The Food and Drug Administration recommends against taking CBD, THC, or marijuana of any kind while pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • However, the FDA has not approved any of these medications for sale, except one CBD drug product and two drugs containing dronabinol, a synthetic form of THC (which are approved to treat certain side effects of HIV-AIDS or chemotherapy). There are dangers and negative effects connected to all three of these pharmaceuticals.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should never take medication without consulting your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.

Pregnant or breastfeeding, it is strongly recommended that you avoid consuming cannabis products. Find out more about the potential downsides and upsides of using various medications during pregnancy and information on cannabis, marijuana, CBD, and THC.


Even though CBD has many benefits, expectant mothers should avoid using it because of the potential risks it poses to the developing baby inside of them. We do not have sufficient knowledge regarding the connection between its use and potentially negative results, such as an increased risk of miscarriage, decreased fertility, or impaired motor development in newborns. However, you won’t have to suffer unpleasant or even debilitating pregnancy symptoms if you choose to have a healthy baby. Talk to your gynaecologist, midwife, or another qualified medical professional to get guidance on treating your symptoms in a safe and effective way.

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