Home Health Knowing about male infertility: What should you be aware of?

Knowing about male infertility: What should you be aware of?

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male infertility

What’s male infertility?

Male infertility refers to those problems and male reproductive health issues that hamper the male ability to impregnate a female. If a male has a low sperm count that is even as known as less than 15 million sperms of ml of semen then the problem is termed Oligozoospermia in medical terms. To be more precise the low sperm count problems may hamper the probability of natural conception in females. 

Due to this, a couple may suffer from infertility or unsuccessful pregnancies. The reasons for the same can be many including the choice of lifestyle as the main reason. Unhealthy living habits like smoking or drinking or even taking unnecessary medications can be the real causes of the problem.

Moreover, renal diseases or failures or hormonal disbalance example low testosterone production or maybe childhood mistakes or infections etc. have been the diagnosed reasons for the same. Nowadays, male infertility has become common across the globe.

The basic cause of male infertility

The most common health issues as being overweight or obese, old age or even if the age is above 40 years, overexposure to any sort of radiation or toxins such as pesticides etc., addiction to any sort of tobacco or alcohol consumption, medications, injections, scrotum issues, testes exposure to unbearable temperature, etc. are basically the known causes for the same.

Other extraordinary causes may include cancer treatments, testes trauma, enlarged testicle veins, hormonal disbalance etc. Vasectomy reversal is the preferred choice of many health experts and specialists in the world of cures to male infertility.

Can male infertility be treated?

As is known that conceiving a baby depends on the health of both partners. Thus, it’s clear that any flaw with even the male reproductive health will make the procedure of conception tough. 

With medical science and inventions, it has been believed that certain surgical retrieval techniques are maybe beneficial even in extreme cases. TESA, IVF etc. have been adopted by expert practitioners nowadays. The concerned expert medical practitioners may start with the physical examination in the prior stage followed by tests and the required medications. 

At times health experts may also provide counselling to the couples explaining to them the problem as well as referral cure or procedure. At times patients are also referred to urologists for medical help.

Of course, this can be treated to some extent. The hormonal therapies, medicated supplements, changed lifestyle, quitting smoking, drinking, etc. are a few recommended ways to experience success in treating the same. Moreover, reducing stress, weight, avoiding prohibited medication etc. may work well in the field. Research on the topic how to increase sperm count has been getting paced in recent years.

Tests and needs

A detailed glance of the semen sample includes an examination of pH levels, viscosity, sperm count as per one ml of semen ( concentration), sperm motility, etc. forms the part of the analysis. Then if required the next level of investing come into action. Here advanced tests such as leukocytospermia, morphology assessment, fructose biochemistry, antibodies and sperm DNA assessment etc. are suggested.

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