You’re getting married! Congratulations! You’ve probably already noticed, though, that weddings are really expensive. If your budget is growing larger and you’re wondering how you’re going to pay for everything, you might consider getting a side gig to cover your wedding expenses. GK360 invites you to read on for ideas about how to do this. An resume builder can make it easy to create a great looking resume in minutes.
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Play on Your Strengths
Your first step in finding a side gig is to determine your talents and skills. Make a list. Perhaps you’re an excellent writer. Maybe you have a knack for transcription. You might like working with kids or pets or running errands. Play on your strengths, and decide on a job that fits them. The possibilities are almost endless these days, everything from freelance writing to pet sitting to tutoring to transcription to delivery driving. Other options include working as a virtual assistant or for a call center, as a web designer or bookkeeper. You might even sell your craft creations or decorate cakes.
Know Where to Look
You might be wondering where to look for all these side gigs. If you’re planning to find an online position, check out the job sites dedicated to work-at-home jobs. If you’re thinking more along the lines of pet sitting or running errands, you could advertise your services around your area by word of mouth or in local newspapers. If you’re a crafter, reach out to some consignment shops or set up a page on Etsy.
Prepare to Apply with a Great Resume
No matter what side gig you choose, you’ll have to make some preparations before you plunge in and start working. Many online jobs require an application and skills test, so polish up your resume and practice your skills. If you need help making your resume look the best it can, here’s a possible solution. An online tool can make it easy to create a great looking resume in minutes. Otherwise, make up a few samples of your crafts, create a portfolio of your work, or put together some recommendations.
Remember the Legalities
As you begin your work and start earning money, you must remember and follow some legalities. Since you’ll likely be working as an independent contractor, you’re going to have to keep track of your income and file self-employment taxes. No one is going to be taking money out of your check. You are responsible for paying all taxes. Research how to calculate and file quarterly estimates for the federal government and for your state if applicable. If you don’t do this, you could face stiff penalties.
Start a Business
Maybe as you work at your side gig, you’ll decide that you like it so much that you want to turn it into your own business. Wait until after your wedding to set up your company, but then write up a business plan, set a budget, and continue to build up your work. You’ll have to decide on a format for your business, too. Consider a limited liability company (LLC) for greater flexibility, tax benefits, and limited personal liability. Just make sure you know the regulations for your state.
Enjoy Your Side Gig
Even if you don’t immediately take the plunge and start your own business, you can still make great use of your side hustle to generate extra income for that dream wedding. You don’t have to wait any longer – get started today and reap the rewards! With a side gig, you can flexibly control your schedule while making extra money on the side. It’s a truly win-win situation, so why hesitate? Make the leap today and take one step closer to achieving your wedding dreams.