Home Business Understanding Package Design Testing for CPG Brands

Understanding Package Design Testing for CPG Brands

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Package Design Testing

Getting your package design right is critical to the success of your brand. Packaging plays a large part in how consumers perceive a product, and poor design can lead them to buy a competitor’s similar offering instead. Package design testing allows you to test out different designs and see which one performs better both in-store and online. Here are some key elements of effective package design testing:

Control Version

This is the current packaging of your product and can be used to understand how well it meets your goals. It may also help you to understand if there are any changes that can be made in order to make the packaging better or if it’s working well enough as it is. For example: Is everything where it should be? Is anything missing? How easy would this 3D package design be for consumers to use?

Experimental Versions

Experimental versions should be different from the control version. Each experimental package design should represent your target market; otherwise, you risk not getting any data on what works and what doesn’t.

Experimental versions should also be tested against each other to determine which one performs better in terms of consumer behavior. This is where you’ll learn if something about your package design was confounding results in an earlier test and now needs adjusting or if an attribute like the color had more effect than expected on consumer behavior.

In 3D package design with finite resources, like time and money, this analysis can help you determine which ideas are worth pursuing further or dropping altogether so that your company can save resources trying to improve on something that may not need improving after all!

Concept Evaluation

Concept evaluation is part of the package design testing process because it’s a way to evaluate how well the package designs meet your objectives.

In concept evaluation, you look at your packaging concepts and see if they meet all of your objectives. You can do this by evaluating each objective on a scale or using a checklist.

Attribute Optimization

●  Attribute optimization: The goal of attribute optimization is to determine the best combination of attributes that will drive sales.

●  3D package design: A 3D mockup allows you to see how your package will look in the real world, helping you make decisions about color, materials, and other factors. Adobe 3D AR experts say, “3D tools can give a great bump in efficiency, particularly at the design iteration stage.”

Sales Forecasting Synthesis

The final step in the testing process is synthesizing the results and recommending follow-up testing. You may have identified some issues with your package design that could be more easily fixed, but you may also have found new opportunities to improve sales of your product by making changes. Finally, the team should identify the next steps for the brand according to priorities set out by the client or company.

Hopefully, this article has given you some insights into how to approach package design testing for CPG brands. These five elements help ensure that your marketing campaigns are successful and meet their goals by taking an empirical approach to analyzing data with statistical significance.

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