Home Health A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Prime a Vape Coil

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Prime a Vape Coil

6 min read

If you’re interested in making the switch from smoking to vaping like so many others have, you need to first learn how to prime a vape coil. If you are interested to buy it, you can order online.

Vape coils work as the wick to help prepare your vaping device. Priming a vape coil can be rather confusing for the first-time user and if you don’t do it the right way, you won’t enjoy the experience.

This quick guide will show you how to prime a vape coil so you can have the best experience.

Here’s what you need to know:

Attach the New Vape Coil

When you buy a vaping device for the first time it might come empty. Shop around to find the best vape coils for your device and be sure to stock up on enough to last a few months.

You can easily fasten the vape coil in the placeholder. Make sure you do this slowly so you don’t spill any vape liquid on yourself once you add it.

Add the Liquid

Next, you want to add the liquid to the vape coil. You have to gently unscrew the top of the vape coil to pour in the liquid.

Take your time with this step as it’s easy to drop and spill the liquid. To be on the safe side, you might want to buy a spare vial of vape liquid in case you do spill your first volume.

Make sure you don’t fill the coil to the brim. This will cause it to overflow and can also cause you to taste the liquid when you vape.

Once you’ve filled up the coil make sure you fasten the lid tightly. You want to turn the lid at least three times clockwise so that it isn’t easy to open or overflow.

Take a Hit With Your Vape Off

Next, you want to take a hit or two of your vape without turning it on. This ensures that you can prime your vape coil.

Only take these few hits and then put your vaping device for charging. Once it’s finished charging, then you can start vaping with the power on.

This step is often skipped by most vape users. But this makes you enjoy the vaping experience a lot more. It ensures that it doesn’t burn the coil. It makes the experience more enjoyable and doesn’t cause the vaping device to overheat.

It also helps the coil last longer. You won’t have to replace your coil each month if you follow this process.

That’s How to Prime a Vape Coil

Now you know how to prime a vape coil and enjoy the vaping experience a lot more.

Start by attaching the new vape coil to your device. You should always buy a surplus of vape coils in case you make mistakes during this process.

You want to pour the liquid slowly and ensure you don’t let it overflow. When you take a hit, do it a few times without turning the vaping device on. This ensures that it lasts a lot longer.

You can find more related content on our website.

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