Emotional intelligence or EI seems to be a new term but it has an old relation with human’s emotions. It is the capability to recognize the emotional patterns of one’s own or others. We all have emotions and we all try to express them in another way. Kids always need support in the matter of their emotional intelligence. Sometimes consequences of school also put effects on the emotional intelligence of the kids and that is why school managements have taken an initiative to decrease the stress of any other things from the kid’s mind related to their studies such attendance and admission procedures. Now, school managements are using the admission management system and fees management system. These two tools, the admission management system and fees management system , are taking care of students and kid’s admission procedures and details related to fees properly so that the kid’s parents don’t have to bother and kids can study properly in the school. This kind of intelligence makes the kid or student able to make a difference between feelings and use them accordingly. It is very necessary for the parents to promote emotional intelligence in the kids so that they can understand different kinds of feelings and understand how to react during those particular emotions and feelings.
Parents need to understand the perspective of the emotions of the child. It is very necessary for the parents to understand what the kid is indicating to discuss with parents because being a child he or she is unable to express his/her feelings and empathize with them when required. Here empathizing doesn’t mean that as parents you agree in everything with the child, instead it means that you understand the emotional pattern of the child better than anyone. This is a better way to develop emotional intelligence among the kids because kids learn from others and so it happens in emotional patterns also. Usually, parents have a misconception that being very robust and rude will make the kids live in discipline whereas they should try to give independence to the kids to express their feelings without hesitation. Never ever stop the kid saying he/she knows nothing instead let him/her express his/her and make corrections when needed. Help them how to deal with the whirling of emotions in the mind. Kids have no experience and they are very innocent so if they feel shy and confused in order to talk to the parents or to the elders then it is the duty of parents to make communication with the child and make him/her talk about how he or she feels. Grab some moments from your busy schedule and dedicate it to the child only and this will compel him/her to share his/her feelings with you. do let the kid know how you feel about anything and explain how you cherish your every feeling and react towards it and make them realize that there is nothing wrong in expressing how they feel.
In order to improve emotional intelligence among the kids’ parents can do a little more by teaching them how to face and deal with their emotions and issues related to them. and you can take the initiative by helping the kids in solving issues related to their peers in school. Starting from small level kids will start to learn how to deal with situations without any external help. This way parents will contribute to the growth of the emotional intelligence of their kids. As the kids grow up till the age of 5-6 years, they start to understand things and react emotionally accordingly. Therefore, parents need to befriend their child and start to discuss your problems too with them and how you are dealing with them. Now, this will kill two birds with a single stone by giving them a feeling of belongingness and second by making them understand that being emotional is not a solution instead by collecting those emotions should make himself/herself strong enough to face the situation and fight back to win. Simultaneously try to take their opinions also on any issue that what does he/she think you should do to correct the situation according to them, let them make a run for ideas to solve your issues and do some hard work mentally. This exercise will contribute a lot in the development of emotional intelligence of the kids.