Home Lifestyle Read this if you are wondering whether you are a transgender

Read this if you are wondering whether you are a transgender

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Knowing and accepting one’s identity is not always a walk in the park for everyone. Some people find themselves questioning their gender identity for a long time. Though no test can help you figure out whether you are transgender or not, you can do some soul searching and get help from experts to find the gender identity that suits you best. Here is how you can find out whether you are trans.

Acknowledge your curiosity

If you find yourself thinking about your gender identity, there is a possibility that you are trans. Doing some soul searching can help you find out why you are so curious. If you are not comfortable with the gender assigned to you at birth, there is a possibility that you are trans. Not every transperson views themselves as being male or female. The gender of those that feel like they are not male or female is referred to as nonbinary.

Reflect on your childhood desires

You can also find the answers to this question by reflecting on your desires growing up. People start displaying signs of gender discomfort from an early age. If you have had persistent desires to change your gender identity for a long time, you are likely to be trans.

Some of the childhood signs that show that one is transgender include dressing up in clothes associated with the other gender, thinking that you will grow up to be a different gender assigned to you at birth, rejecting gendered toys, and even disliking your anatomy. Some trans people reveal that they feel trapped in their bodies. If you experienced trauma during puberty changes, such signs of gender dysphoria growing up indicate that you are transgender.

Think about how pronouns and names make you feel

Are you comfortable with the name assigned to you at birth, or do you wish you had a male or female name? If you feel misidentified, you are probably trans. Apart from your name, you can also think about how you feel every time people refer to you by particular pronouns. If you dislike people addressing you as madam or sir, you are probably a transgender.

What to do once you have the answer

Find a gender therapist

If, after assessing this, you conclude that you are trans, you should seek support. Unlike in the past when trans people were misunderstood, we now have lots of gender therapists that can help you understand your gender identity better. Look for a counselor that specializes in LGBTQ concerns such as gender dysphoria and gender identity. You can find a transgender health clinic around your locality.

Start experimenting with clothing

If you have always disliked your clothes since they are associated with a certain gender, you can change them. Take your time to experiment with different clothing to find the ones you feel comfortable in based on your new gender identity. Wear clothing that you are strongly drawn to. If, for instance, you were assigned male at birth but have always felt like a woman, you can try wearing dresses and assess how you feel in them.

Affirm your new gender identity

You can affirm the gender you want to identify with in different ways. For instance, some trans people choose to change their names. Think about which pronouns you prefer being referred to and let the people within your circle know. If you feel safe around certain people, you should make them aware of your transition. Do not come out to people who may be judgmental about your new gender identity since there is always the risk of discrimination.

You should also think about your body and consider the possibility of altering some things. If, for instance, you feel more feminine, you can choose to grow your hair. Some trans people take hormones, while others undergo specific surgical procedures to alter their physical appearance. You should decide whether such options are for you.

Connect with other trans people

Once you understand your gender identity, you can look for people who have transitioned. Doing this can help you build confidence in your new identity. You can identify other trans people from LGBTQ groups and even events. Feel free to explore online forums to connect with other gender variants. These individuals can also share their experiences with you.  If you are ready to connect sexually with other trans, you can consider Shemale escorts. Such individuals can help you fulfill your sexual fantasies and desires.

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