Home Education Who prescribes the CSIR NET syllabus? How many subjects are there for it?

Who prescribes the CSIR NET syllabus? How many subjects are there for it?

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The CSIR NET Syllabus 2022 for all five disciplines has been released by the Human Resource Development Group (HRDG). Candidates studying for the CSIR NET test should read the most recent CSIR NET syllabus (2022) extensively before taking the exam. The syllabus is divided into three sections: A, B, and C. While the CSIR NET exam syllabus for Part A, General Aptitude, is the same for all candidates, the CSIR NET exam syllabus for Parts B and C is completely dependent on the candidate’s chosen subject.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2021-22: Overview

The CSIR NET exam pattern 2021 provides the question paper structure, which includes the total number of subjects, the number of questions, the test length, and the marking scheme. Take a look at the highlights of the exam pattern:

  • Part A, Part B, and Part C are the three components of each CSIR NET question paper.
  • The CSIR NET Part-A exam assesses applicants’ teaching and research abilities, as well as their reasoning, understanding, divergent thinking, and general awareness.
  • Candidates must choose one of five topic areas for Paper B and Part C: Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean, and Planetary Sciences; Chemical Sciences; Life Sciences; Mathematical Sciences; and Physical Sciences.
  • The exam has a point value of 200.
  • Each erroneous response is penalised by 25% (with a few exceptions)
  • There are multiple-choice questions on the exam that are objective in nature (MCQs).
  • The exam will take three hours to complete.
  • Between the three pieces, there is no break.

Syllabus for CSIR NET 2022

The syllabus for the five subjects included in the CSIR NET 2022 examination is as follows:

  • Part A of the CSIR NET Syllabus
  • Part A of the CSIR NET syllabus is the same for all five courses. General Science, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analysis and Research Aptitude are covered in Part A of the test.
  • Applicants must answer fifteen of the twenty multiple-choice questions in Part A (MCQs).

There are two points for each question. Part A receives a total of 30 points out of a potential 200 points. For Part A, consider the following curriculum:

1ReasoningAnalytical Reasoning, Syllogisms, Analogies, Directions, Coding-Decoding, Classification, Alphabet Series, Symbols and Notations, Similarities and Differences, Number Series, Blood Relationships, Arrangements, Statements, Data Sufficiency, Non-verbal Reasoning, Visual Ability, Graphical Analysis, and Data Analysis
2Quantitative AptitudeSimplifications, Number System, Average, Algebra, PercentageTime & Work, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Speed, HCF, LCM Problems, Area, Profit & Loss, Bar Graph, Pictorial Graph, Pie Chart, Ratio & Proportion, Permutation & Combination
3Data Interpretation & Graphical AnalysisMean, Median, Mode, Measures of Dispersion, and Graphical Analysis: Bar Graph, Line Graph, Pie-Chart and Tabulation

Syllabus for Part B and C of the CSIR NET

Subject-specific curricula are included in Parts B and C. The table below sums up the main points in each of the five subjects in both parts.

1Earth Sciences (For each incorrect response in Parts A and B, a negative marking of 25% is applied; for each incorrect answer in Part C, a negative marking of 33% is applied.)  Part B The Earth and the Solar System Earth Materials, Surface Features and Processes Interior of the Earth, Deformation and Tectonics Oceans and Atmosphere Environmental Earth Sciences Part C Geology – Mineralogy and Petrology Geology – Structural Geology and Geotectonics Geology – Paleontology and its Applications Geology – Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Geology – Marine Geology and Paleoceanography Geology – Geochemistry Geology – Economic Geology Geology – Precambrian Geology and Crustal Evolution Geology – Quaternary Geology Geology – Applied Geology Geology – Physical Geography Geology – Geophysics Geology – Meteorology Geology – Ocean Sciences
2Physical Sciences (There is a negative marking of 25% for each incorrect response.)Mathematical Methods of Physics Classical Mechanics Electromagnetic Theory Quantum Mechanics Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics Electronics and Experimental Methods
3Chemical Sciences (There is a negative marking of 25% for each incorrect response.)Inorganic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Chemistry in nanoscience and technology Catalysis and Green Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry Supramolecular Chemistry Environmental Chemistry
4Life Sciences (There is a negative marking of 25% for each incorrect response.)Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology Cellular Organization Fundamental Processes Cell Communication and Cell Signaling Developmental Biology System Physiology – Plant System Physiology – Animal Inheritance Biology Diversity of Life Forms Ecological Principles Evolution and Behavior Applied Biology Methods in Biology
5Mathematical Sciences (There is a negative marking of 25% for each incorrect response.)Analysis Linear Algebra Complex Analysis Algebra Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) Numerical Analysis Calculus of Variations Linear Integral Equations Classical Mechanics Descriptive Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis


Given how difficult it is to fathom the inner workings of a large R & D organisation, breaking into one is undoubtedly a monumental task. We hope that this post has given you some insight into the CSIR NET exam and has persuaded you to take it in the near future.

Although preparing for the CSIR NET Exam implies that you are confident in your plan of action, you can get a second opinion from some expert counsellors by using BYJU’s Exam Prep professional services.

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