Home Technology Why Software Development Models Are Important?

Why Software Development Models Are Important?

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Software Development Models

Software development life cycle models, also known as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), are models that facilitate the planning, development, testing, maintenance, and optimization of software systems.

Software life cycle methodologies are a methodology of software development which concentrates on software development cycles.

This methodology is an effective method for software development life cycle models that enables a team of programmers to develop software applications in a systematic and structured manner.

Software Applications

Software life cycle methodologies enable developers to develop software applications in a sequential order starting from the simplest application up to the most complicated application. The methods include Incremental, Minimizing, Adaptive, and Research & Development.

Software model includes an element called Software Development Model. This model defines how a team of developers operates over a period, establishing a consistent software development process.

Software models, together with Software Development Methodologies, form the foundation of a successful software development life cycle. Do you want to know about average cost of custom software development, please keep reading.

Models and Methods

Software models and methods are being used worldwide and have become integral part of the software development process.

One of the popular software development models today is the waterfall method. In this model, a series of activities are done in a sequential order.

These activities include analysis, step-by-step planning, implementation, quality assurance test, modification, and final analysis.


The main advantage of using the waterfall method is that it provides a high-quality output. It also has fewer disadvantages than other methods.

Another popular methodology used in software development models is the scope reflections model, which aims to provide information about the software system’s requirements at each stage of its development.

Scope reflections was introduced by Jean Henry Melech and Michael J. Webster. They based their model on the principle that small things tend to add up and that large items have larger parts. They defined it as “a method for integrating incremental changes”.

Popular Methodology

Another popular methodology used in software development models is the alpha-generic methodology. Alpha-generic approach focuses on requirements development rather than on the requirements.

As the name implies, it treats each requirement separately from all others. As compared to waterfall model, this methodology has lesser advantages but more disadvantages. It can be applied for medium-sized projects.

The combination of the above two models, known as the concept-oriented approach, was introduced by Robert Martin and Fredrick Reinhold. Their aim was to combine the strengths and the weaknesses of the previous two software development models.


With this combination, they hoped to create a method that would be able to take care of all the requirements of any project. Concept oriented approach has some benefits over the other methods. One of its benefits is that it is cost-effective.

In sprint planning, it was found that having long periods of inactivity in the sprints causes problems. The team members become apathetic towards the sprint backlog and do not contribute their share in solving the issues. Read more about software and technology on Leet Blogger.

Sprints should be short, fun, and energetic. Developers should be encouraged to participate actively in sprints and contribute their share.


Such methods can help the project manager in choosing right sprints and selecting the appropriate methodologies for implementing them.

Another feature of the agile methodologies is that they are adaptable. Users’ needs and business goals change so frequently that users end up having to upgrade their application in a relatively short time frame.

This means that an agile development methodology should be able to accommodate these changes. Similarly, the software development life cycle model should be able to respond to any new requirements quickly. Thus, both the users and the developers benefit from agile methods.

Agile also has its own disadvantages. The testing phase is too costly by some experts. Since the testing phase itself is an impediment to the entire software development life cycle, some developers prefer using waterfall methodologies.

Final Words

All in all, it can be said that there are no clear advantages or disadvantages of using any software development process.

Each of these processes has its own strengths and weaknesses, which must be weighed carefully to make a decision as to whether or not they are the best for a given project. However, it is apparent from the above discussion that Agile is more flexible than the other models. It clearly benefits both the developers and testers, who get to reap its numerous advantages.

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