Home General 5 Fun and Effective Ideas for Corporate Team Building Activities

5 Fun and Effective Ideas for Corporate Team Building Activities

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Did you know that more than 70% of employers believe that teamwork is critical in the work environment?

Teamwork has a great influence on company productivity, success, and growth. This is why it is alarming that many employees struggle with effective collaboration.

Fortunately, there are proactive measures company leaders can take to increase corporate team building. Continue reading to learn more corporate team building ideas.

1. Jigsaw Puzzles and More

Yes, you read that correctly! Completing a jigsaw puzzle as a team can help build collaboration skills.

Jigsaw puzzles are not the only puzzle option to consider though. Any kind of brain puzzle will be sufficient as long as it is complicated enough.

The goal of using puzzles as a team-building approach is to encourage employees to work together to complete a complex task. The leader of the team may delegate certain sections of the puzzle to a member or a few members. As mini groups solve their portion of the puzzle, all the sections can be brought together to reveal the final product.

2. Brainstorm Together and Envision the Future

Corporate team building activities can be business related too. One of the best activities for team building is to encourage employees to brainstorm together.

These sessions will not be about tomorrow’s tasks but will focus on long-term ambitions. What does the future of the company look like? What products or services can take us to the next level?

Employees, through brainstorming sessions, will come to recognize that everyone has something to contribute and that they work far better together than alone.

3. Community Service Day

There is nothing more beneficial for team building than encouraging employees to work together on something far bigger than themselves.

A community service day invites employees to make a positive contribution to the community. During the process, they will intimately bond with each other.

From beach clean-up days to helping at a food drive, there are many community service options to select from. One of your team members may be affiliated with a charity and this could be a great starting place too!

 4. Escape Room

Like puzzles, an escape room is a fun activity that engages employees and forces them to work together. Escape rooms require collaboration, critical thinking, and perseverance.

In escape rooms, individuals need to combine individual talents and use all of their skills concurrently to solve the room. You can visit escape room place with your employees for an incredible experience.

5. Field Day

What is more enjoyable than strengthening collaboration while having fun outside on a beautiful day?

From potato sack races to tug of war, employees can embrace their inner child while working together on team-centric activities.

Field days are often held at elementary and middle schools, but they can be very beneficial for a workplace environment as well!

Corporate Team Building and Much More

Activities to boost corporate team building is one of many business topics we highlight. Additional topics include effective ways to benefit your business from staff augmentation, is owning a trucking business worth it, and why you need a digital marketing strategy for your business. For more educational content, please read more of our blog today.

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