Home Fashion How to pick the best skincare ingredients for your needs

How to pick the best skincare ingredients for your needs

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How to pick the best skincare ingredients for your needs

If you’ve ever tried to shop for skincare products, you’re probably familiar with all the buzzwords that are thrown around. There are tons of terms that get thrown around without any real explanation of what they actually mean or do in regards to your skin, and it can be really overwhelming and confusing at times trying to find the right product that will give you exactly what you need out of it. With thousands of products on the market, each with different claims and promises, how are you supposed to know where to start? Voibon Skincare will help you to figure it out.

Understand how chemicals affect your skin

Chemicals can have a significant effect on your skin and understanding how they affect it is key in selecting the right products for your needs. For example, if you are looking for products that will help repair sun damage, you might want to look for ones that contain retinol or vitamin C. On the other hand, if you want hydration without clogging pores, moisturizers containing natural oils such as jojoba oil may be more suitable. There are also some chemicals that work better depending on your skin type; sodium hyaluronate (a salt) is a good choice if you have dry skin while glycerin or magnesium ascorbyl phosphate work better if you have oily skin.

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Which product type do you need?

Skin is the largest organ on our body and we need to treat it accordingly. The first step in caring for our skin is understanding what it needs. There are a wide variety of different skin types that can be divided into three categories: oily, dry, or combination. Knowing your type helps you find and use products that will work well with your skin type without causing irritation or extra oils production.

Know what you want from each product

When you are shopping for products, it is important to know what you want from each product. If you are looking for a moisturizer that will help with wrinkles, then you will want an ingredient like Retinol. If you are looking for something that will minimize pores or reduce acne, then you would want salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

 Once you have a better understanding of what you want from your product, then you are able to look through their ingredients and make a more educated decision on whether or not they will help with your skin. To do so, look at both active and inactive ingredients. Active ingredient lists are labeled in order of concentration and those listed first may be in higher amounts than others further down the list.

Inactive ingredients will still have an effect on how products work on your skin but they should not have a drastic impact on results as they typically only account for a small portion of what is in any given product. 

Know which ingredients treat which problems

Picking skincare ingredients is an art, but luckily there are tons of online resources that can help you figure out which ingredients are right for you. A simple Google search will turn up dozens of blogs and articles discussing different benefits that different ingredients have. For example, Vitamin C fights free radicals in the skin that lead to wrinkles and dark spots. If anti-aging is a concern, then using products with this ingredient should be a no-brainer. However, as most ingredients don’t work on their own without other complementary treatments (like a face mask), it’s important to know what your goals are before investing in anything.

Read reviews and talk to others

Make sure you read reviews on blogs and forums to see if others have had success with an ingredient before. And talk to friends and family who use different products and ask them what they think about the ingredients they are using. Remember that even though one person may have a negative opinion of a certain ingredient, it doesn’t mean that everyone will have that experience. So don’t let one person’s opinion scare you away from trying something new!

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