Home Business Looking for Commercial Space

Looking for Commercial Space

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Looking for Commercial Space

Are you ready for a big move and need new commercial space for sale in Kolkata? There are some aspects to the process of a move that needs to be thought out and planned in order to avoid spending money on the wrong property.

The last thing anyone wants to do is jump into a purchase before properly understanding the process and what they need. It would not just be a financial hit, it could break the business. Here are three particularly important steps, making sure the location is right, making sure the property has passed inspection, and making sure the monthly expenses of owning the building are not too high.

The right location is vital to your success

Different businesses need different things from their location. Some need to have access to main roads for deliveries, some need to be close to public transportation links for employees to get to work, and some need to be where there is a lot of public foot traffic to attract customers. The latter is important, especially when looking for commercial shops for sale in Kolkata.

A business will die if it is not in a location that is right for its type. You know best what it is you need, so make sure when you visit spaces for sale that you are happy with that location and there is nothing that might hinder your success. Make sure it is large enough so that you can grow if you want that, but not too large so that you are paying for a building you are not using much of.

Is the building safe and in the condition it promises?

Another factor, as mentioned above, is what condition the property is in. The seller wants to sell, and not all sellers are honest about the condition their property is in. If you buy something expecting the electrics to be modern, the roof in good repair, and so on, and then you find none of that is the case, you are going to be dealing with costly repairs and renovations.

When you decide to buy a commercial space for sale in Kolkata and you want to put in an offer, get a commercial inspection to make sure there are no hidden problems. Also, make sure you are legally allowed to work your type of business at that location. 

Can you manage the monthly overhead?

Then there are the costs you face should you buy the property. Not just the loan payments. There are other costs to factor into your budget, repairs, maintenance, power bills, water rates, taxes, cleaning, and more. Look for a space that meets your needs but does not eat into your profit margins or cause anxiety when the bills come in.


There are a lot of things to think about when looking for office space or commercial shops for sale in Kolkata. By taking the time to ask and properly answer those questions, you can be more aware and make the best choice.

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