Home Business How to Get Your Credit Card Charges Reversed

How to Get Your Credit Card Charges Reversed

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Credit Card

If you have ever been the victim of credit card fraud, you know how frustrating it can be. Not only do you have to go through the hassle of cancelling your card and getting a new one, but you also have to worry about the charges that were made to your stolen card. In some cases, you may be able to get those charges reversed. Here’s everything you need to know.

Why Would You Need to Get Credit Card Charges Reversed?

Before anything else, it’s important to note that you should never have to pay for fraudulent charges made to your credit card. If someone has stolen your card or used it without your permission, you should not be held responsible for those charges.

There are a few reasons why you might need to get credit card charges reversed. As we’ve alluded to already, the first is if you have been the victim of identity theft. Aside from this, another example is if you have been charged for something that you did not purchase, or if you were charged an incorrect amount for a purchase.

For example, let’s say that you were charged $100 for an item that you only paid $50 for. In this case, you would want to get the credit card company to reverse the $50 charge that you were incorrectly charged. If any of these things have happened to you, don’t worry. The first thing to say is that you should never feel like you have to just accept these charges. You always have the right to dispute them and get them reversed if you feel as though you’re in the right and haven’t made a mistake.

How Do You Get Credit Card Charges Reversed?

So, how do you actually get credit card charges reversed? In most cases, the process is quite simple. After noticing the issue, reach out to your credit card company and tell them about the problem. If you have documentation to back up your case, make sure to provide that as well.

Depending on the circumstances, the credit card company may decide to reverse the charges right away. If they need more time to investigate, they may put a temporary hold on the funds in question. Keep in mind that you may need to be persistent when disputing a charge. If your credit card company initially denies your request, don’t be afraid to reach out again. If you did everything online the first time or over the phone, put your request into writing the second time.

In some cases, you may need to go through your merchant first. If the charge is from a company you regularly do business with, reach out to their customer service department. They may be able to help you resolve the issue without involving your credit card company at all.

How to Prevent Incorrect Credit Card Charges

Firstly, security is paramount when it comes to your credit card. Be sure to never leave your card unattended, whether you’re paying for something in a store or entering your information online. Next, take the time to review your credit card statements when you receive them. This way, you can catch any incorrect charges right away rather than leave it until it’s too late to act.

Also, it matters where and how you pay for things. For example, a Zeller EFTPOS payment is more reliable than a manual credit card payment, as the former offers more protection against fraud. Finally, keep in mind that you may be able to dispute a charge if you didn’t authorise it.

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