Home Law What to know when you Rescind a Contract

What to know when you Rescind a Contract

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What to know when you Rescind a Contract

To rescind a contract, you must have the other party’s consent. Alternatively, you can renegotiate the terms of your agreement. Rescission is not a remedy for breach of contract, anticipatory breach, impossibility, duress, or failure to perform. If you have such a situation, re-negotiation is likely your best option.

Rescission is not a remedy for breach of contract

A party may exercise rescission as a remedy for breach of contract if he discovers that the contract was untrue or void, but only if the other party was at fault. The contracting parties must establish a cause of action or void the contract. In addition, the requesting party must do so within a reasonable period after learning of the mistake or misrepresentation. In such cases, rescission may be lost if the offending party fails to give notice within a reasonable time.

Rescission is a discretionary remedy available in equitable courts. Under the law, a court may refuse to revoke a contract if the parties are in the same position as before the contract was made. The court will consider the vitiating factor, such as fraud or undue influence, in deciding whether rescission is the correct remedy.

It is not a remedy for anticipatory breach

 While a remedy for anticipatory breach can be devastating, it can also be an effective way for the other party to protect itself. A ready breach clause typically gives the other party 15 days to cure its default. During that time, the non-defaulting party can’t exercise any legal remedies. However, the courts may enforce a contract with an anticipatory breach clause. In other words, courts may apply the doctrine to fill in the gaps in the contract between the two parties.

When determining whether a contract is anticipatory, a business should identify which supply or service it needs from the other party. Once that is done, it should identify ways to mitigate damages immediately after the other party fails to meet its obligations. Similarly, it’s critical to document all communication between the parties that shows that the other party lack the motivation to meet its obligations. In addition, it’s a good idea to have a legal team review the contract and ensure that it contains any language that may not be expected.

It is not a remedy for an impossibility

If the performance of a contract is made impossible by circumstances beyond the parties’ control, a party cannot rely on the impossibility defence to rescind the contract. 

Upon a party’s request, a court may rescind the entire contract. The impossibility defence is not available when the alleged event was foreseeable when the contract was made. For example, a homeowner hires a roofing contractor to install a new roof on her house. Later, a fire destroyed the home, and neither party was at fault in the fire.

It is not a remedy for duress

In the absence of duress, a defendant cannot rescind a contract. However, the Business Court recognizes the right to revoke an agreement. An external power source must exist, such as a government agency or the bad actor’s position as the sole supplier. In addition, there must be a benefit conferred on the defendant. Despite its rarity, rescinding a contract is not a remedy for duress in many cases. You may consult Jameson Law about this.

Duress is an act of coercion or threats to induce a person to enter into a contract. The court will determine whether a party can claim duress if they believe the threat they have received is genuine and there is no reasonable alternative to escape the situation without the threat. The court must also determine whether the threat was sufficiently legitimate to require the party to enter into the contract.

It is not a remedy for coercion

The common law recognizes several exceptions to this general rule, including fraud and coercion. In addition, a contract cannot be rescinded if one party has suffered a loss due to the other party’s breach. It means that a party cannot revoke a contract due to coercion if the other party committed fraud or material error.

In fraud or coercion, a person may rescind a contract to return to an uncomplicated situation. In most cases, a rescinding party must know the grounds for rescinding the contract within a reasonable time of becoming aware of those grounds. Undue delay can also bar a party from rescinding a contract.

It is not a remedy for undue influence

In the context of contracts, rescinding a contract is a common law remedy for undue influence. The doctrine of undue influence stems from a relationship in which one party exerts significant influence over another. When the influencing party’s influence overpowers the other party’s free will, the other person is subject to undue influence and may renege on their obligations under the contract.

The remedy of rescission is a means to void a contract, putting the parties back in the same position they would have had the contract not taken place. However, it requires that the rescinding party exercise the right to revoke the contract within a reasonable period after gaining knowledge of the grounds for revocation. If the contract violates a law or is subject to material misrepresentation by the opposite party, the rescinding party can withdraw from the contract.

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