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How to be a chef in Australia?

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chef in Australia

What if an activity that, until then, was a simple hobby becomes a gateway to living abroad? Opportunities to become a chef in Australia are very promising at the moment.

In addition to having a market full of job vacancies, Australia is going through a period of shortage of labor in several sectors, gastronomy being one of them. It is for this reason that the chances increase for people who are thinking about moving to the country to boost their career.

In this article, we will bring you more information about the possibilities of working as a chef in Australia. Follow up!

How to be a chef in Australia?

There are several ways to start working in Australia. If you already have experience in the area, as a chef, you can take the first step with the Working Holiday Visa.

This is an Australian visa that allows people visiting the country to engage in paid activity as a way of gaining new experiences. For this, it is necessary to meet the requirements established for this status.

Another option is to study in Australia and enter the country on a student visa. This modality also allows working in Australian territory, as long as all criteria are met, such as not exceeding a 40-hour workday every two weeks and maintaining a link with an educational institution.

It is important to note that, until June 30, 2023, there was flexibility in the working hours of students. Thus, people who study a course in Australia can exceed 40 hours a fortnight during this period.

Why is it a good time to move to Australia?

With an unemployment rate of 3.5% in the month of August 2022, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Australia has reached one of the lowest unemployment rates for the population in recent years.

This is an optimistic indicator for anyone thinking of working in Australia. However, it doesn’t stop there! There are still some professions that have a greater demand for qualified professionals.

It is not for nothing that the Australian government created the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL), which can be translated as Immigration Priority List of Skilled Occupations. In it, it is possible to see the professions with the greatest demand for specialized labor from foreign professionals, including chefs.

Not to mention that the country has great opportunities for study and life, as a whole. In this way, living in Australia can be a step towards building a career and a new lifestyle the way you always dreamed of.

Taking advantage of a favorable moment like this only increases the chances of getting a good job, settling in a new country and living an incredible experience. In addition, if you are interested, it is even possible to go in search of the dream of living permanently in Australia.

What are the advantages of working in Australia?

Still not sure if being a chef in Australia is a good idea? So, see what you can achieve with this decision:

  • New experiences – that add to your international curriculum;
  • Opportunity to learn new techniques and skills;
  • Good financial return – the annual salary of a chef at Aus 80,000.00;
  • English improvement – useful for personal life and professional development.

Did you like the idea of being a chef in Australia? Don’t miss the opportunity and start investing in your future as soon as possible. Thus, it is possible to fulfill your biggest career dreams and have more professional fulfillment.

Want to know where to start planning your study in Australia? Get in touch with an education consultant via CatEight Agent Finder, and get your questions answered!

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