Home Business Key Services offered by Immigration Consultant or Attorney

Key Services offered by Immigration Consultant or Attorney

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The process of applying for a visa, permanent residency, or citizenship sometimes requires the assistance of an immigration lawyer or consultant. Some or all of the following services may be provided to you for a fee by licensed canada immigration consultant and immigration attorneys:

  • Provide information or counsel on available immigration choices.

The top immigration advisors will explain all of the options for immigrating to Canada, including each program’s qualifying requirements, application procedure, necessary documents, and associated costs.

  • Get you set up with the right software.

An immigration consultant can help you determine which immigration programs you are eligible for based on your education, age, job experience, and other considerations. There is, however, no assurance that your application will be accepted. Suppose your anticipated Express Entry score is low, but you still want to apply for permanent residence. In that case, they may suggest you instead submit an application for a temporary program for which you are more likely to be approved, such as a student visa.

  • To have someone else submit your immigration paperwork for you

Study permits, work permits, permanent residency applications, and citizenship applications are just some of the forms that an authorized RCIC may help you fill out and submit on your behalf. If you want to engage a consultant to submit your application for you, they will require access to your personal information and any supporting materials they deem necessary. A consultant may also go through applications you’ve filled out on your own to ensure no important details or forms have been left out.

  • Help you get in touch with the Canadian government if you need it

If there is anything further the government needs from you after you submit your immigration application, such as more paperwork, they will let you know. Furthermore, you may need to get in touch with them to find out where your application stands. Your authorized canada immigration consultant is qualified to serve as your agent and handle any required correspondence on your behalf.

It is possible, albeit very unusual, that an immigration or citizenship application would need a court hearing. Only if you have lied on your application or are inadmissible to Canada for criminal or other reasons will this happen. While an immigration consultant cannot represent you in court in Canada, an immigration lawyer may.

Should I insist that my immigration counsellor be located in Canada?

Your Canadian immigration adviser need not physically be located in Canada to assist you with your application. Any canada immigration consultant who is a member of the CICC may represent you, regardless of where they are located. Only RISIAs, who are usually located in Canada and connected to a certain educational institution, are exempt from this rule.

Regardless of where they are based, authorized consultants who promote themselves as experts in Canadian immigration law and lawfully help clients with Canadian immigration must be registered with the CICC.

You may identify an RCIC in your own nation, or you can check to see whether the consultant you’re considering is in good standing with the CICC by looking them up on the CICC’s public roster of authorized RCICs. The RISIA registration also includes a list of authorized RISIAs associated with a certain Canadian institution or college.

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